Prior to requesting a new service center account, departments must first review the Service Center policy.
Identify which type of cost center is needed based on type of funding and purpose of the service center operation.
Determine what type of service center is needed (Not Reviewed, Reviewed, Specialized)
Submit a New Service Center Request form
Attach a completed Depreciation Schedule (if applicable)
Complete a New Cost Center Request form (for reserve cost center)
All service centers must maintain a separate reserve cost center. The reserve cost center is used to recover depreciation included in its user rates. Also, revenue from external customers (above break-even) is posted to the reserve account to segregate these funds. Capital items need to be purchased from this account. If a service center has several services that generate significant revenue, child cost centers should be established to keep track of each service.
The submitted information will be reviewed by the Service Center Committee which includes individuals from Accounting and the Office of Sponsored Programs. Once the service center is approved and created, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the applicant, containing the classification and number.